Third Party Explorer

Third Party Request Summary

This table summarizes the number of domains this page made a request to. It includes the total number of domains (including the primary domain), the number of domains serving content before the Largest Contentful Paint, and the number of domains serving render blocking scripts.
Render Blocking Domains
Domains Before LCP
Potential SPOFs
Potential Perf Risks
You can visualize the requests loaded by each of these domains using this link.

Domain Summary

This table contains a detailed summary of requests and sizes of content by domain name. Scroll to the right to see more.
The checkboxes indicate what is possibly a SPOF (single point of failure) or performance risk.
As you analyze this data, feel free to check and uncheck boxes for each domain based on your findings.

Hostname SPOF
CDN Total Render Blocking Before FCP Between FCP and LCP Between LCP and Load Time After Load Time Inadequate Compression Non-Cacheable Cache TTL 0s Cache TTL < 5m Cache TTL 5m - 60m Cache TTL > 60m No Cache Policy CPU Compile CPU Evaluate CPU Execute

SPOF Evaluation

The domains below should be tested for SPOFs
using WPT to blackhole specific domains

Select one or more domains that you would like to test.

A new window will open in WebPageTest with the
selected domains automatically populated in the SPOF feature.

Performance Evaluation

The domains below may be impacting performance.
Run tests to block specific domains
(You can copy these into WebPageTests's block feature
To test how the page will load with them blocked.)

The block feature can't be automatically populated, so these need to be copied manually.

Once you run some tests, compare the results to your initial test
More details on how to use this here.